If you leave your company for any reason, your pet wellness and insurance plans will end upon your last day of employment. However, you can visit our website to sign up for a new plan at any time. To do so, you can log into your existing account, go to Manage, and select to add new Wellness or Insurance plans for your existing pets. If you wish to change the email address tied to your account, please contact support@wagmo.io and we can get you sorted.
Please note, any time your plans end you have 30 days from the termination date to submit claims for services rendered during the plan year. If you are unable to submit this claims in your Wagmo account, you can contact our support team for assistance.
If your new employer doesn’t offer Wagmo but you feel they might be interested, have your benefits administrator contact us and we’d be delighted to explore how our Wagmo plans could benefit the company.